Hi, I’m Jaime.

I was born with the sun in Leo, moon in Pisces and rising sign in Libra. Nurturing others is in my very nature! Peace, harmony, passion and truth are the things that I value most in life. I am committed to living life as wholly as possible—continually learning, healing and evolving. It is my life’s intent to offer support and guidance for others who wish to do the same.    

My background is rooted in numerous healing practices for the mind-body: massage therapy, reiki, yoga, pranayama, and Somatic Experiencing ®. To flourish, I believe that the whole person must be taken into consideration—body, mind and spirit. This is where astrology, with its timeless wisdom, fits in.

From a very young age I was fascinated with our solar system and the archetypes of the 12 astrological signs. My fascination ebbed and flowed until I came across the amazing astrology teacher Debra Silverman. I enrolled in her school where I learned a breadth of astrology knowledge and the skills to provide readings to others. My foundational knowledge then deepened through further study at Mark Jones’ Pluto School.

One reason I love providing astrological readings is because the natal chart provides so much in-depth information… and yet two people with the exact birth chart could present themselves and their lives very differently. The natal chart becomes “alive” when I meet the person it belongs to. The balance between the concrete characteristics we are born with combined with the opportunity for each individual to choose how to express themselves is what really intrigues and excites me!

I believe that we were born to struggle, to learn and to evolve. Our birthright is to shine. The goal with each reading is to bring clarity to this process of living and to help shine a light on the dark—providing opportunity for a souls growth and a pathway to accomplishing one’s wildest dreams!

It is my intention to provide the following with each reading: 
• support and validate who and where you are at this point in your life.
• give you a new lens with which to view yourself compassionately.
• spark a feeling of hopefulness or excitement for your future.
• give concrete suggestions/guidance as to how you can help yourself live more  authentically and in tune with the highest expression of your soul.

I am looking forward to working with you!

view the packages

An astrology reading is based on your natal chart, which provides a “snap shot” of the sky at the moment of your birth. A reading involves an in-depth exploration of your unique personality and your purpose in this life. The things that make you unique, the gifts you were born with, as well as insight into areas of life where you may struggle, feel constricted—these are areas FULL of growth potential for your soul.

An astrological reading will help you to understand yourself better, including the unique ways you express yourself, the first impressions you give to others, how you handle emotions, what you love, what drives you, your life’s lessons and your soul’s purpose. Also included is an analysis of how the planets current positioning in the sky (known as transits) are personally affecting your unique natal chart (and how to use this knowledge to your benefit). 



This type of reading provides insight into the relationship dynamics of two individual natal charts overlapped. To begin, this reading includes a “mini” reading for each individual.

• Detailed analysis of how the relationship is naturally supportive and areas where conflict/growth potential may show up.
• A very useful tool for all relationships including romantic, parent/child, friendships and business relationships.

90 mins $230


There is always more to learn from your chart! Follow-up readings can be done on a monthly or seasonal basis to give you support, guidance and further insight into your chart.

• Keep up-to-date on current transits (where the planets are in the sky currently) and how they are/will be impacting your unique natal chart. 
• Helpful if you are working through a particular challenge in your life or whenever you feel extra support is needed.  

60 mins $125


An in-depth analysis of your natal chart for the purpose of gaining knowledge and understanding of one’s own beautifully unique self. This can be a life changing hour in your life.

• An overview of the traits that make you uniquely YOU.
• Uncover what your life lessons are intended to be and if you are on the right track thus far.
• An exploration of your evolutionary purpose for this lifetime.

(Initial) 60 mins $150 






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